Thursday, May 13, 2010

Another look at Voices' mission

Before I start diving right into the book list that I created a couple weeks ago, I decided to check out a world literature anthology published by Words Without Borders, who I talked about in my very first post and from whom I got the alarming 6% statistic. I am really excited about this anthology, aptly entitled Words Without Borders: The World Through The Eyes of Writers, because it is going to give me more ideas of fantastic world authors to introduce to you all here in this blog.

However, I wanted to take a moment to recap why I am undertaking this project. In the Introduction of this anthology, Andre Dubus III (author of the novel House of Sand and Fog) writes that

"... Whether we know it or not, these are the notes in the world symphony in which we all play a part. The writers and translators have done their work here. It is up to us now to listen to the expression of our fellow human beings with whom we share this planet. This is our duty, yes, but it is also a deeply moving pleasure, one that will also allow us, ultimately, to become more gracefully and truly ourselves."

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